Cicada Cinema

The Telephone Book | April 12 | Backspace Gallery | 7PM

Regular price $8.00
Regular price Sale price $8.00

Tickets for the 7PM screening of THE TELEPHONE BOOK

1971 • USA • 80 minutes • dir. Nelson Lyon

Saturday, April 12th
at Backspace Gallery
(112 W 6th St)
$8 dollars

Showtime: 7pm


Synopsis: A cute, bored young ditz (LAUGH-IN's Sarah Kennedy) is invigorated after a life-changing obscene phone call from a baritone weirdo. In a who’s-who of the era’s counterculture personas, she calls every last Village crackpot in search of her velvet-voiced wonder.

THE TELEPHONE BOOK’s bizarre peanut gallery includes future Oscar nominee William Hickey (PRIZZI’S HONOR) bedridden with priapism, Warhol superstars Ondine and Ultra Violet, Barry Morse (THE FUGITIVE) as a fallen stag filmmaker and voiceover guru Norman Rose (wearing an unforgettably disturbing pig mask) as the obscene call king. Heady, heated and oh-so-right.

Truly alive and more wonderfully whacked with each passing minute, this underground comedy plays like a sketch show devised by Robert Downey Sr., with a little Ralph Bakshi and Brian De Palma thrown in for good measure.